About Us

No, seriously, you don't want to know.

But, just in case you do... We're just a pair of folks who got tired of being angry when someone flipped us the bird. It's just a finger. Just a middle thumbs up. Someone telling you "Hey, you're number one in their books". Maybe number of IQ points they needed to get out of the "moron" range. Either way you slice it, it was time for a change. By 'Spreading Happiness One Finger At A Time", The Fucks Company is changing the public perception of that longest digit. Instead of making that 'bird' in anger, make it one of happiness. Make it the new wave. The greeting between friends. Make it the president on Idiocracy saluting his people. Maybe "My Fellow Fuckers" will be the opening sentence of the next State of the Union.

So, next time someone flips you the bird, smile and flip it right back! Happiness is contagious. Just like that toilet seat you just sat on.